10 maj 2023 working meeting in Ljubljana
On the 6th of May, an in-person meeting between partners of the project took place, having the main goal of the meeting the discussion and work on the final version of the handbook.
The meeting took place in Hostel Celica, a building that served as a military prison for over 100 years and has now been renovated into a modern and lively hostel.
After the icebreaking activities, Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications and Projects Manager, started the meeting with a presentation of what EUSA is and the current EUSA’s activities.

Right after, Mr Luuk Minnaar, Chair of the Utrecht Sports Council and representative from the Studentensport Nederland, explained how the university sports system works in the Netherlands and how to organise a multi-sport event. He reflected on various parts of the handbook, introducing the practices from the Netherlands.

Ms Marianna Pikul, Projects Coordinator for AZS, then introduced the Uni4s project to get a clear pictures of what has been done since the project started back in 2021, and what are the next steps.

The last part of the meeting consisted in working on the final version of the handbook. Participants were divided into three different groups, and all of them reflected and discussed further of an specific part of the handbook.
On the 7th of May, EUSA hosted a tour around Slovenia for the Polish participants to get to know better the area and to start forming deeper connections between partners. It was a full-day as we visited the Savica Waterfall, Lake Bled and the Vintgar gorge.

The three-year project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is coordinated by University Sports Association of Poland (POL) alongside project partners University Sports Association of Warsaw (POL), Student Sports Netherlands (NED) and the EUSA Institute (SLO).
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