On November 11, Varsoviada, student sport event in Warsaw dedicated to first-year students, also hosted meeting of Erasmus+ project: the United Forces to Support the Education of University Sport Community (Uni4S).
The traditional university sport event has recorded its 58th anniversary this year, and is held on November 11, on the Polish day of independence. Organised by AZS Warsaw and hosted by the Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, the date and place of the competition, as well as the person of the university’s founder, closely intertwine the sports celebrations with the celebrations of the independence day. Varsoviada welcomes the university students with competitions in 7 sports (basketball, volleyball, futsal, table tennis, swimming, cross-country and indoor rowing), as well as challenges the university rectors to a sports challenge in three disciplines.
The event recorded over 500 participants this year, and it served as a learning opportunity also for partners the Erasmus+ Project.

The (Uni)ted forces to support the education of (Uni)versity sport comm(Uni)ty project aims to create educational opportunities for staff working in university sport associations, and the topic of this meeting were university sport events and communication. Media Officer from University Sport Association of Poland presented how the media works in the university sport context and started the conversation on the topic among partners. Experiences were shared and material has been gathered to be used in the project’s final handbook.

Experiences gained have been very valuable to the project partners and participants of the meetings, and the outcomes will be shared in the resource materials which will be developed through the project, and will be publicly available.
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